
Map Icons Collection showcase, all the sites using the icons

Planocio – Cultural events in Spain es un nuevo sitio web que te servirá de guía a la hora de planear tu ocio. Aquí encontrarás la información más completa sobre cualquier evento: desde la información básica hasta las opiniones de la gente que va a ir o incluso de la que está allí ahora mismo. Todo dispuesto de manera que puedas dedicar tu tiempo libre a lo que te interesa: pasártelo bien.

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Temporada Livre – Vacation Rental in Brazil

TemporadaLivre is devoted to providing listings of real estate properties for vacation rental in Brazil. The website provides a map/list button switch that allows the visitor to perform a standard list search or a geographic map-view of the surroundings, with the ability of alternating between the two without a page refresh. The comprehensive set of filters are also applied real-time, wether in list or map view. Clicking on a list entry or map icon immediatelly loads the corresponding property in the same page, below the search interface, which makes for a seamless, quick and pain-free navigation of the thousands of properties listed directly by the owners or real-estate brokers. The website is comission-free and only charges the advertisers to list their properties. Recently they also added support for hotels; the listing of bars, restaurants and clubs is coming soon.

For our portuguese readers: TemporadaLivre é um portal dedicado à listagem de imóveis de aluguel de temporada no Brasil. Com um clique no botão “mapa/lista”, o visitante pode alternar entre a pesquisa tradicional (via lista) ou uma visão geográfica da localidade através do Google Maps, sendo possível alternar entre ambas sem recarregar a página e perder os filtros já aplicados. E falando em filtros, o conjunto bem-pensado de opções também é aplicado em tempo real; clicando num imóvel na lista ou no seu ícone no mapa carrega imediatamente os detalhes do imóvel em baixo da inferface de pesquisa, sem sair da mesma página, o que traz ao turista uma experiência única, rápida e prazerosa ao navegar entre os milhares de casas e apartamentos para alugar listados no site pelos proprietários ou imobiliárias. O site não cobra comissões e não faz intermediações.


GosMap allows users to post custom Map Icons along with brief messages, anywhere they wish – and to GeoPost these as links to their Facebook wall. When visitors to Facebook click on the GeoPost, they will be taken directly to the posted Map Icon where they can view the message, and post their own custom Map Icons and comments. GeoPosts can tag trips, meetings, events, curious places, and be used to play games (zoom way in, GeoPost and see if its location can be guessed).

GosMap includes neat features such as the ability to toggle the Google Maps Traffic Layer and the Google Maps Panoramio Layer from the console (helpful when travelling or planning trips). GosMap can also “clone” the window to OpenStreetMap (OSM) at its current zoom level and location. This allows for quick and easy comparison between Google Maps and OSM and helps folks getting started with OSM to access and tag points of interest.

The Custom Map Icons that are posted can be hidden one-by-one or as a group (so that the user can view just the icons they posted, if they wish). Finally, GosMap allows any user to “flag” any icon for action by the site administrator.

Feel free to add anything you want to GosMap and don’t be shy to test it out! Hint: the “Permalink” button should be pressed before posting to Facebook, or if you want to create a link that can be emailed or saved to your bookmarks, etc!

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GeoFinder (POI in Switzerland) ist eine nicht-kommerzielle Web-Site, die in privater Eigeninitiative entwickelt und administriert wird. Ziel ist die Bereitstellung einer Datenbank mit Geo-Daten von ‘Points of Interest’ (POI), die sich in gebirgigen Regionen der Welt (mit Schwerpunkt Alpen) befinden.

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OkMap freeware GPS software

OkMap is an interactive software which allows you to work on your computer screen with digital maps that you have either bought or scanned. OkMap can also import vectorial data from the most common formats and DEM data relevant to height informations.

Through these maps, you can organize your paths by creating waypoints, routes and tracks on your computer monitor, and upload this data to your GPS. To make it easier, OkMap provides you also with autorouting and geocoding functions.

Visit OkMap freeware GPS software